Reset Your Physical & Emotional System
Psoas Muscle
EQWELLNESS incorporates 3 different techniques to assist the rebalance of your Psoas muscle:
1- TRE
What is TRE®?
TRE uses seven exercises to release the psoas muscle, the deepest and largest muscle in the body. This powerful muscle holds physical, emotional, and mental stress that we carry in our bodies over the course of our lives.
Created by Dr David Berceli, TRE consist of six simple exercises that are designed to stress the psoas muscle (also known as hip flexor muscle) that reply purely on the body's natural ability to trigger tremors. This releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system.
2 - Yoga
There are many forms of yoga that EQWellness incorporates into their program. EQWellness found this video to be a fun one for youth.
3 - Licensed Body Workers for Kids
If your child is having any pain in their psoas region please check in with your Doctor. Also, consider a licensed PT or body worker for tools and techniques.