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Reset Your Physical & Emotional System


Emotions are felt in your gut. Feelings such sadness, anger, nervousness, fear and joy can be felt in the gut. Serotonin is well known as a brain neurotransmitter, yet a new study shows 90% of serotonin in the body is produced in the digestive tract. Some scientists even refer to serotonin as the “happiness chemical,” because higher serotonin levels increase feelings of well-being, confidence and belonging.

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Psych 2 Go has many worthy videos for parents and youth:

At EQWellness we believe it is helpful to understand more about how your body system works then it will be easier for you to balance your gut/biome.

How does your digestive system work?

 Did you know that your gut is your second brain?                                 Have a look…

Why is your poop telling a story about your health? 


Legal Disclaimer and Privacy Policy for Neuro-Wellness Center DBA

The information on this website is for educational and informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice or the information on product labels, or to diagnose or treat any health problem. Please consult a doctor or health practitioner for your specific health and medical needs and concerns before taking (or stopping taking) any medication, nutritional, herbal, or homeopathic supplements, or using any treatment described on this website. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of something you have read on this website.

EQWellness does not keep nor do we store any of your information except for the week of the camp.

Address: 4149A El Camino Way, Suite 103, Palo Alto, CA 94306

Phone: 650-995-4082


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