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Meet Your Adventure Team

HSP Mentors


HSP Mentor Leader

I enjoy being an HSP because I feel I can connect with people on a much deeper level. I have learned to be accepting of my big emotions.
This will be my third year with the camp for EQWellness4youth kids. Each camp has given me a new awareness as I see myself in reflection with each child. I am studying to be an environmental scientist.


Being a highly sensitive person has given me empathy, compassion and kindness which have all allowed me to become a better friend, daughter, coworker and individual. Because I am highly sensitive, I have been able to live more creatively, problem solve more efficiently and understand others on a new level. I am currently studying to be a psychologist.


I like being a highly sensitive person because I am able to feel sympathy for others, have passion for projects that make a difference for animals and our planet. I am an innovative thinker. I am in HS and focus my studies on understanding the environment.


I like being a highly sensitive person because it allows me to be more perceptive towards the way people are feeling and assists my passion for music. I am in HS.


One of my favorite things about being an HSP is being able to connect with other highly sensitives and find my group of people. I am in HS.


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EQWellness does not keep nor do we store any of your information except for the week of the camp.

Address: 4149A El Camino Way, Suite 103, Palo Alto, CA 94306

Phone: 650-995-4082


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